Friday, April 24, 2009

I love Goodwill!

We found this little gem yesterday at the Goodwill....for $3.99!! (It retails for $76.) This is some of the best $4 I've spent in a long time. She hasn't stopped playing with it since we brought it home.




I found Sofia here yesterday before we headed out. I have no idea how she squeezed in there!

And Coda thought maybe she'd like to get on the internet....But she couldn't figure out how to open the screen, so she thought she'd sleep on the computer instead.

(She's awfully big, isn't she?)


Rhett said...

that is the most popular toy in our church nursery... and we have the kitchen/den set like that here... polly loves them both as well. things to push, music, noises, doors... and the batteries last forever.

Anonymous said...

WOW! i thought we did a good job when we scored one with all of the pieces and parts for $25! mattie LOVES it--plays with it every day, constantly. and the balls from playschool's busy ball popper toy fit in the downspout.

Allison said...

I love Goodwill, too! We got an easel for $3.
And Coda is looking fabulously fat and happy!

Anonymous said...

What a score! You are real bargain hunter. I love getting great deals like that.

Aunt Barbie

P.S. Coda's got the life. I think I want to be reincarnated as a house cat.

ellie said...

Coda is GORGEOUS!! Wherever did you find that cat!?