Thursday, June 26, 2008

We haven't been back to the doctor. Whoo hoo! I'm hoping the ears are better, but she has been playing with them (let's hope it's just habit now). She hasn't been too fussy or feverish, so I'm trying to hold off until our appointment on Tuesday. I'm planning on running a women's only 5K on Saturday. And we are going to see Dave Matthews Band Saturday night. This was Marc's birthday present to me. I'm excited. I haven't been to a concert in forever! Next weekend we are traveling to Ohio to visit my grandparents and aunts and uncles. The weekend after that we are going to Richmond so that my friend Michelle and I can run/bike the Muddy Buddy relay. Sofia is consistently saying "Momma" now. =) And "Dada", of course, and she gives kisses! Big, wet, open mouth, slobbery ones. But they're great! Here are a few pictures I just got off the camera.

I found the dog food!When are you going to teach that kid something useful? Like how to feed me!
Ok, Daddy, I'll wear your White Sox t-shirt. But just so you know, I'm really a Braves fan!
What do you mean, this empty ice cream container is trash? It's a toy!
Hey Mom, self-portraits first thing in the morning aren't a good idea!

Yo, yo, yo! Party in my crib!


Allison said...

That last one she looks just like Marc! She's getting so big!

Melissa said...

I can't wait for Thomas to start talking..I'm jealous!! I'm glad she's doing better!

Anonymous said...

She's such a cutie! (and I'm glad that she's feeling better, too!)