Sunday, September 21, 2008

Happy Birthday (2 days early)

We did a little mini birthday party here this afternoon. We wanted to do a little cupcake or something on her actual birthday, even though we were going to do a party next Saturday. We also didn't want to lug birthday presents from us, Marc's parents, and Great Grandma and Granddad all the way to SC just to lug them home. We had originally planned this for Tuesday, but sometimes Sofia is so tired from having fun at daycare she is in bed before Marc gets home. And I have my running class that night at 6:30. We didn't want to be rushed or miss our opportunity, so we decided to do it today. We went to the store to buy a cupcake or two, well, for just a little more we can get a tiny cake that looked so much better and more fun. Enjoy the pictures.

1 comment:

Allison said...

Happy Birthday Sofia!
SB has the same xylophone thingy, but hers is a tiger!