Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Big Girl

Haven't had any more potty excitement, but Sofie is moving into the next classroom in 2 weeks. They really start working on potty training once she's in the 2's room.

Over the weekend we also converted the crib into a big girl bed. The first nap and 2 nights were a little touch and go. It's different. But tonight, she went running and jumped in on her own and kept saying "night night". I changed her into her pj's and read her a story, then she proceeded to wave me off and say "go, go, go". So independent.


Andee said...

OK, I think it is funny that she waved you away!

Anonymous said...

me, too :o)
i've been debating with myself if mattie's ready for a "big girl bed" yet. hoping to find a bed rail at the consignment sale...