Monday, August 10, 2009

Update and lots of pics

Sofie's starting to put 2 and 3 words together to make sentences... "Where's Daddy?" "Come on Daddy" "I'm coming" "No, mine, big girl" (when I tried to help her keep from dropping her snacks while we were walking the dog).

Marc's baseball team won the championship on Saturday.

And I'm running lots with my marathon training. Other than that its the same ol, same ol. Wake up, run, work/school, cook dinner, make lunches, rinse and repeat.

A few recent pics....

Sofie's new backpack (I hate my camera, it thinks about taking a picture, thinks about it some more, then decides to take it once Sofie has turned around or moved onto something else and is no longer acting cute).

New shoes

Being Silly

At one of Daddy's baseball games

You mean I'm supposed to potty in this and not just sit on it?

Playdate at the mall


"Watching" Daddy play baseball

Marc's baseball team won the Championship!


We're #1 (or 5)

Too bad there was only one trophy, hard to share among 15 guys.


Katie G said...

Too cute! I love that I kind of get to see her grow up! No more cast too! Congrats to Marc for the big win! Miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

love the backpack! and the potty picture is CUTE :o)

(oh yeah--and congrats marc!)

ellie said...

Congrats to both of you on the championship! (i'm sure you did your share!) And to Sofia for beginning the potty training rituals. Always kind of wondered what would happen if parents just DIDN'T train kids on the potty. Would they eventually figure it out? Would they get sick of walking around in diapers before, say, going to kindergarten?

Just musing. This is probably not the place to do it. :)

Very creative cake engineering there!