I'm 16 weeks pregnant today. Things are good, good, nothing big going on here. I looked really cute yesterday and almost pregnant. I was going to have Marc take a picture of me, but I forgot. Oh well. I had a super busy weekend. Saturday was Jen's Lingerie shower and Girls Day Out. So, of course I had to spend Friday getting ready for the shower, buying a veggie platter and search for lingerie. Saturday was busy with the shower, bowling, and dinner out. Sunday was the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler. No, I didn't run the 10 mile race. However, I did walk the 5K. It was really cool, the woman winner of the 10 Miler set a new world record, and I was there to see it (since the 5K hadn't started yet). I finished the 5K in 54 minutes, which isn't too bad for a pregnant girl who's been to tired to exercise lately. I even finished before the 1998 women's 10 Miler winner (she was walking because she's pregnant too, 5 months). But let me tell you, I was completely worn out by the end of the weekend!
I did have to go to the doctor's yesterday to have some blood drawn. It was a test for Down's, neural tube defects, and other chromosome abnormality. Should get the results back the end of this week or the beginning of next week.
Here's a picture of me and Jen's friend, Jen (yes, they are both named Jen) at the lingerie shower. We were making viels out of toliet paper. I was the model, Jen was the designer. I almost look pregnant.